October 6, 2022 - November 18, 2022


  • Feb 11 2023 - Feb 11 2023


October 6th, 2022 - November 18th, 2022

Genuine Rhythm


Août Gallery is pleased to present the newest body of works featuring ten international artists who, even though they vary in their compositional rhythm, ultimately establish a connection through confiding in the intrinsic genuineness of their own work. Starting the 6th October, paintings of Imon Boy, Sally Kindberg, Celio Koko, Victoria V Nunley, Attilio Esposito, Mariah Ferrari, Drew Englander, Nina Park, Miguel Scheroff, and Charles Shedden aka OWVBICS will be on display.

As we are collectively exposed to identical ideas in everyday life, genuineness is an exceptional trait. Regardless, the artists in this exhibit can come up with novel ideas stemming from imagination, memories, or even reinventing the status quo. By reflecting the genuine self, barriers are dropped to access the core. Slices of oneself, stripped down to the au naturel (Esposito & Ferrari), are essentially set in stone (or rather canvas) and are exposed to the audience. Conveying messages, may they be cathartic (Koko) or sincere (Boy) in nature, these immutable works reveal the inner selves.

“Virtue and genuine graces in themselves speak what no words can utter.” — William Shakespeare.


Aligning with the perspective of Shakespeare, each one of the artists triumphs in transitioning thoughts into delicate brushstrokes. Showing honesty without additional elements (Park), as well as mundane objects all dolled up, conceivably losing the verisimilitude, nevertheless having a more powerful feeling of conviction in representing oneself (Kindberg), the genuineness is expressed uniquely by all.

Sally Kindberg 'Fill Me Up', 2022 35 x 45 cm

As the earth is dominated by rhythm, from the big bang to the present, rhythm is the basal pulse that animates nature, poetry, music, and as seen here: art. Adhering to these cadences can be the difference between life and death. On a smaller scale, we attempt to stick to the circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm of the artist fluxes as a sine wave, more potent at times but leisured by internal and external affairs during periods.

However, such epochs are crucial in the journey of discovering the unfeigned self to compromise on novel creations. At times of adversity, creating prospective conditions in a mischievous way to deal with weighty matters (Nunley), or objects morphed into each other inside deserted rooms as a sense of security (Englander), thoughts are put to rest. Moving with the flow while distorting reality (Shedden) or pushing against the grain and challenging the obligations imposed by society (Scheroff), patterns are scoured through different lenses.

“Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.” ― Maya Angelou.

Achieving the fusion of genuine and rhythm, the exhibition reoccurring distinctive facets of the artists invigoratingly navigate the title in their own way, reminding us of the importance of an unpretentious self. While the end goal is continuously sought after, it was the process we were yearning for: a dance between brush and paint.

— Asim Muhammad


Attilio Esposito
Celio Koko
Charles Shedden
Drew Englander
Imon Boy
Mariah Ferrari
Miguel Scheroff
Nina Park
Sally Kindberg
Victoria Nunley

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Mon ‒ Sat: 10am ‒ 06pm

Lebanon Street, Zoghbi Building
Gemmayzeh, Beirut

Product Enquiry